Digimon COTD: Gigastick Lance

Gigastick Lance—Any sufficiently large power tool is indistinguishable from a mech weapon.
What’s good about it: You get to triple your Power. Yes Power. All attacks have at least an ability of “None”, so this is way less restrictive than first-read. But you can still replace a troublesome ability like Grudge that might kill you for attacking second, with x3 VS which might net you a KO with no HP loss! Plus, when your opponent’s attack ability becomes Shatter, it replaces their existing one. So you can use this to negate a super annoying ability like to zero and use safely. In fact, you can use both together to get a secure triple Power which is very likely a KO. So this card doubles as a way to push for a KO or sort-of void an ability. What’s more important is almost nothing can “void” abilities this way, but Gigastick can! What’s bad about it: Unfortunately, you may not always use the effects here optimally. For every time you perfectly set up a type-change with [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/198-Mystery-Egg.png” name=”Mystery Egg”] to get the x3 VS ability, there will be a time when the opponent evolves out of the type change or KOs you for wasting a turn on Mystery Egg. Unlike a true Power triple effect, it voids your own attack ability and you may have wanted triple Power Drain or something. And worst of all, the opponent might want Shatter—which they are guaranteed regardless of their attack! Especially if they are attacking first or will survive your attack when you have an attachment. You basically don’t want to play this with attaches unless you are very sure your opponent will be KO’d. Tips: If you don’t have a way to type-change, this card is essentially an attempt at lucksack or else a super weak void. Be sure you know what you are doing if you want to use attachments with this (like, more than one). Check your deck for how to best change types, such as [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/018-XVmon.png” name=”XV-mon”] for which you may want to combine with the [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/011-Ancestry.png” name=”Ancestry”] Mastery in case you don’t always want your subtypes. On the other hand, more subtypes can be much better since a Digimon with 3 total types has 3/8 coverage, so you would only need a couple of those to make good use of Gigastick. Beware that a multi-type deck for yourself makes you weaker to regular x3VS! Mitigate the problems with this card and now you have the power of [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/007-Darkdramon.png” name=”Darkdramon”]!