
New Template Rules

Rules & Assets for new card template

With the new card template, we have a totally new anatomy and some new rules. First, let’s examine the stylistic changes to familiar elements. Click each one for a huge version of the image.

Limiter Icons

Each of these were designed to look like circuit board modules with pinouts you can add to a DIY tech project. If you look closely on the card frames without one of these, you’ll either see a grayed out set of pin holes or nothing at all, which indicates if that card can even have that module. Just a small detail.

Category Icons

Type Icons

Ability Rename: Guard

Attack ability “Circle Guard”, was “Circle To Zero”.

“To Zero” has now been renamed “Guard” on all attacks going forward. While the old version is much simpler and gets the point about its effect across, two problems led to this change:

  1. DBE now has effect resolution speeds. “To Zero” may be too straightforward for new players and cause them to apply the effect immediately, at the wrong timing.
  2. The name “To Zero” is very cumbersome. Talking about it is so difficult when there are non-abilities with the exact same effect phrasing that we always use the term “Guard” as in the opposite of “Counter”.

New Symbols

Flash. This is an evo-bonus effect that activates once, in order listed, then goes away. Much like a regular support effect. The opposite of a permanent.

Void. This is a stand-in for the word “void”. Can instruct you to void something as an action, or else make something unvoidable.

Speed icons are later on this page.

Location Zone Tags

The pointed, orange tags with a zone name represent the location depicted or cards within it. They do not represent a timing. At the start of an effect, it means “when this card is in this zone…” It may also instruct you to put cards in the depicted zone or remove cards from it.


  • DP — Data Packet Zone. This is where players rack cards for their +P value (added packet). This zone symbol is not the same as DP requirements on a card, nor the amount of DP value in the zone.
  • DZ — Destiny Zone. This is where players have cards that start the game outside of their main deck.
  • ACTIVE — The active Digimon. This does not refer to any cards in the stack under the active Digimon. Often used to grant a passive effect while this Digimon is active.
  • AZ — Active Zone. This is the zone where the active Digimon and all cards under it are placed. To keep track of effects from the AZ, slide the card out a bit until this effect can be read.
  • EVOLVE — Evolve Zone. Means the card will usually stay in this zone instead of getting sent to trash at the end of the phase; in order to get constant effects.
  • SUPPORT — Not on cards with “SUPPORT” as their primary timing, but used to reference other cards in the support zone.

The Dark Area, Deck, Hand, and Trash are not zones for these effects.


The “Grid” is a term that refers to all cards a player has combined in their Deck, Hand, Trash, Active Zone, DP Zone, Evolve Zone, Support Zone, and attached. These cards are “on-grid”. It does not refer to cards in a player’s Dark Area, Destiny Zone, under other cards due to an effect, or deleted from the game. Those cards are “off-grid”.

Not referenced on new-template release cards.

1st Attack

The turn player now gets their “1st Attack” at the start of their Prep Phase instead of Battle Phase. The “1st Attack” ability and card effects still resolve as normal and steal away any the opponent has, or else secures their own existing as usual.

Stylish Keywords

Keyword bubbles for timing and attack ability.

Attack abilities granted by an effect are now inside a lime green keyword bubble to make them stand out as specifically abilities and not as part of the effect. This means they activate at their normal timing instead of immediately. Note when a card grants 1st Attack by itself and when it grants an attack the 1st Attack ability.

[1/Turn] is now a pink keyword bubble with “X・Turn” where X is any number of specified activations per turn.

Timing Keywords. Replacing the simple underline for timing are colored bubbles specific to each timing in the game. They are PREP, EVOLVE, STRATEGY, SUPPORT, BATTLE, END, ANY. ANY can also be combined with other phases to get a synthesis of the two as before and it takes on the color of the proper phase.

“OR” is now bolder and white to set it apart from the rest of the whole effect. This was designed to help players better distinguish which items within the effect they must choose.

CRITICAL. When this effect resolves, set your HP to 10. If it’s already 10, get KO’d immediately instead. This is placed with highly abusable effects such as Power to 0, which could be chained indefinitely. Or else used with effects that should not be used in succession (such as Crash with opponent’s Power to 0).

DATA cards

“DATA BREAK” now has a stylish timing bubble but follows the normal rules. The “DNA” section has been removed for redundancy since DNA rules only require you to have a card with the same name, which DATA category cards already satisfy.

Effect Speed

Effect speed is a new rule to Digimon Battle Evolution. Or should I say an old rule? Originally, effect resolution speed icons could be found in the Playstation game DBE is inspired by. However, the original rarely worked as intended since it didn’t have a very intuitive tie-breaker rule for timing conflicts (they used a secondary card number for this). DBE already had three levels of speed, they were just hidden in the rules in a weird way and implicit. Now they are explicit. First, find the explanation for each speed below. Then the full resolution order rules. Finally, a quick wrap-up to help players mentally “convert” the speed of old cards without this printing.

Speed Introduction

Voids and unvoidables. Previously, this was a set of rules designed to make Jamming and void cards function without paradoxes of causality.

Most cards, especially things that can change the game in ways conditional effects would later use.

Counter and other sluggish cards that activate last either for advantage or as a penalty. Especially effects with no use outside of battle.

After all support cards are played normally by both players, begin resolving effects in the below order:

Resolves first. Quick. This speed is used by voids and their own opposite—unvoidable effects. This includes effects that act as unvoidable on something else, such as “own power can’t lower or be 0”. The Jamming ability must activate at this time. Mimic must also activate now since it could copy Jamming. Most of this is the same as the old rules for void/unvoidable and Jamming. To sum up, these are effects that might cause weird time paradoxes if they tried to resolve any later. Attach from Hand is a special activation speed and can activate now or be reserved for a later timing.

Resolves second. Default. Almost every effect resolves at this timing. If there is any doubt for old supports, resolve them at Speed 2. When resolving an attack ability at this speed, simply reveal your attack (if necessary) to prove you chose this one, as you would with Jamming and Mimic above. The following attack abilities resolve as described below, in normal tie-breaking order:

  • 1st Attack — Reveal attack. Set own attack to happen first; can stack with itself. This is completely erased by a later-activated “2nd Attack”.
  • Killer — Reveal the listed attack and if valid, get 1st Attack (above) and Boost own Power +300. No other rule changes from normal.
  • Recode, Corrupt, Draw, Recycle, Trash, Static — Reveal attack. Resolve the effect in full. No other rule changes from normal.
  • Attach Hand or Trash — Attach up to 1 card from Trash/Hand as instructed. If Attach Hand and not used at Speed 3, resolve that now. Attach Hand or Trash can be delayed instead until Speed 1.
  • Guard — Do not reveal attack! Set “Guard check” and resolve later during the Battle Phase. At this time, players don’t know if the Guard attack was actually chosen. This activation simply means it hasn’t been voided, nothing else happens yet.
Resolves last. Delayed. Up to this point, the implicit rules of supports are simply explicit. But with Speed 1, things change. Supports with this timing are mostly limited to the new “CRITICAL” keyword or effects that grant the equivalent of Speed 1 attack abilities in some cases. If an old effect gives you Counter attack, set your Power to 0 when the support resolves, not when the ability activates. After all supports at speed 1 resolve, reveal all unrevealed attacks. Speed 1 attack abilities will be the very last things to resolve during support phase. Once attacks are revealed, if there are any Speed 2 abilities left to resolve (such as 1st Attack being delayed), do those first. Resolve the below abilities with normal tie-breakers:

  • Counter — Get 2nd Attack (erases all own 1st Attack set up till now) and set to attack last, do not set own Power to 0 at this time. Counter sets Power to 0 when you gain the ability instead. The rest of this is resolved during Battle Phase (Set Counter attack).
  • Grudge — Get 2nd Attack (erases own set 1st Attacks). Reveal attacks and if valid, double own Power now. The rest is resolved during Battle Phase (Set Revive by own Grudge power).
  • x3 VS — If valid, triple own power now.
  • Attach — Any pending, unused “Attach” abilities can be used now, from their respective zones. Attach Hand, Attach Trash, Attach Deck. This is the only timing for Attach Deck.
  • Drain — Set “Absorb HP” and resolve later during the Battle Phase. This simply represents Drain not being voided at this time.
  • Crash — Set “Self-destruct” and resolve later during the Battle Phase. This simply represents Crash not being voided at this time.
  • Shatter — Discard any 0 or 1 attach in play. Reduce all opponent’s Power by this printed Power or its current power, whichever is lower. Changed from requiring players to hit with it.
  • Flat — Set “Flatten attack” and resolve later during the Battle Phase. This simply represents Flat not being voided at this time.

TIMING CONFLICTS Don’t forget if a player’s own effects activate at the same timing, they choose their own order of resolution. When different players conflict with support (and now attack abilities), the turn order automatically decides it as usual, with the turn player resolving theirs first, then the non-turn player. The exceptions are Speed 3 which are simultaneous as usual for voids, and Speed 1 where supports resolve before abilities.

Resolutions that continue in Battle Phase…

In the Battle Phase, resolve the attack abilities in this exact order when applicable, always respecting normal tie-breakers:

  1. Determine the first attacker.
  2. Guard: Check all set Guard effects for validity, then set their target Power to 0.
  3. Shatter: Choose and discard an attach in play.
  4. Counter: If Counter attack set, skip the countered attack if valid, then use that attack against its owner, then deal own Counter’s damage (always 0 unless boosted).
  5. Crash: If Self-destruct is set, when attacking, deal damage equal to Crash owner’s HP instead of Power (ignore Power).
  6. Drain: If Absorb HP set, when dealing damage, increase own HP by the owner’s damage actually dealt.
  7. Flat: If Flatten attack set, when dealing damage, Flatten (one token).
  8. Grudge: Whenever KO’d, if Revival set by Grudge, revive owner with HP by Grudge’s current Power.

Despite having speeds now, attack abilities are still not the same as supports!

Speed Summary

  1. Players each play up to 1 card in their empty Support Zone.
  2. During this phase, players alternate resolving supports/abilities (when possible) one at a time, highest speed to lowest, looping each speed until all its supports resolve, then moving to the next, until all effects are resolved.
  3. Resolve all Speed 3 as a normal void. Voids and unvoidables are Speed 3 (including Mimic).
  4. Resolve all Speed 2 as default effects in the game. Attack abilities sometimes fully resolve and sometimes just “set” part of their effects for later. Most cards are this speed, including get 1st Attack.
  5. Resolve all Speed 1 supports first. Reveal both attacks. Then resolve all Speed 1 attack abilities. Cards that make a player slower or only work during Battle and End phases are this speed.
  6. In Battle Phase: Finish resolving the attack abilities that have to do with dealing damage (Counter, Crash, Drain, Flat) or reducing opponent power (Guard).

Intro to Flip cards

In Auxiliary Set B, Dianamon and Antiramon introduce the concept of flippable cards! Flip cards share a card number, so they’re the same card for deck building purposes, but can flip under various conditions within the game. Some will start on a specific side and others will have freely choosable starting sides. Check the other tabs for what the new icons mean and how flips cards work.

The Star side of a card indicates one possible face that it can be flipped to or from. It’s distinct from the moon side. It’s not necessarily the initial side of the card and if so, is indicated by the Initialize icon.

The Moon side of a card indicates one possible face that it can be flipped to or from. It’s distinct from the star side. It’s not necessarily the initial side of the card and if so, is indicated by the Initialize icon.

If this card starts in play, such as in the Destiny Zone, then Start of game: Place this card with this side face-up.

This initialize icon indicates the card’s “face-up” side. The accompanying icon to the right of it is the card’s initial side (star or moon).

Cards may not have an initial side and if so, will not have this icon. Those cards generally start the game in a hidden zone such as the main deck, where they should be hidden.

In all cases, a flippable card that enters a hidden zone MUST become hidden. It does not show a side in a hidden zone (e.g. hand, dark area, main deck), even though it is a multi-sided card.

Cards without this icon can still be flipped.

In deck building, be sure to respect the normal rules about a card’s unique card number and card limit caused by that unique identifier, same as you would do for any other card. Example: You may have XB-006 Antiramon [Moon] as the card’s initial side OR XB-006 Antiramon [Star] as the initial side because neither have this icon. And among those, you may only have a total of 4 cards. You could have up to a total of 2 of the [Star] and 2 of the [Moon]; or up to 3 of the [Moon] and 1 of the [Star]; or any combination up to the normal card limit. The sides can only flip after the game starts when an effect instructs you to. Before a game, players are normally allowed to change any cards in their deck and that includes choosing the initial side for cards without this Initialize icon.

This icon is a stand-in for the keyword “flip”, which means to turn the card over to its other side. It may be accompanied by a side icon, in which case flip to that side if able. It may be alone; if so, simply flip the card to another side only-if it has a different icon on its other side.

Cards without a side icon cannot be flipped.

Cards with a side icon can only be flipped to a card with the exact same card number with a different icon.

Example: XB-003 Dianamon [Star] can flip to XB-003 Dianamon [Moon] because they have the same card number and different side icons.

Flip is considered part of an effect or cost, and therefore a process that a player performs (like Trash, Discard, or Draw). By default, Flip targets your own active Digimon. It may target the opponent’s active if specified (or uses “any”). It may target a card in the Destiny Zone or attached if specified. In all cases, the card flipped must be somehow in play (i.e. in a “zone”).

Flip is always considered to have the rules text “if able” after it.

You do not flip cards face-down unless the effect specifically states this. Unless an effect says “Flip facedown”, the back face (hidden DBE logo face) of a card should never show after a flip.

Flip cards are unique enough that they may create some rules confusion. Check this section for how each interacts within the game rules.
  • Flip card numbers are the same but their names may be different.
  • In XB, there are no differently-named flip cards. “New Moon” on Dianamon and “Deva” on Antiramon are just flavor text to help players talk about the cards uniquely.
  • When naming a card due to a card effect (e.g Fated Spirit), simply name any valid side of the flip card.
  • If a flip card is the active Digimon, the other side is not considered “in play” for any of its unactivated effects, power, attack abilities.
  • If a flip card is the active Digimon and has a permanent evo-bonus active, then flip to another side, the evo-bonus will remain active because the card did not change from the active spot. It only flips over.
  • When flipping a card at any time for any reason, update all the info about that Digimon that is not permanent or changed by effects. For example, its printed powers, types, attack abilities, passive effects, and available “Activate” effects if any will now be available or unavailable depending on whether it is the visible side.
  • When flipping a card, do not update information that has changed due to an effect or is permanent. For example, do not change the HP, any activated permanent evo-bonuses, or the status of a used “Activate” effect. Do not remove any floating effects that modify the active either, including Power boosts, attack ability changes, or changed attack selections.
  • Flipping an active Digimon doesn’t count as changing which Digimon is active, doesn’t count as a KO, doesn’t change any chosen attacks, doesn’t cause it to become abnormal.
  • If an active Digimon flips, even though its types may be different, do not count this as “changing” a type. Example: Antiramon [Star] was Wind and Nature types, but changed to Dragon by an effect. Later, it flips to Antiramon [Moon] and its type is now Nightmare instead of Dragon. This does not count as “changing” to the Nightmare type.
  • If a card flips multiple times during a turn, be sure to update it multiple times.
  • Players may check any side of a flip card at any time while it is in a non-hidden zone.
  • During the evolve phase, when activating the evo-bonus of a future, if that future is a flip card, only activate the bonus of the current side. If another effect flips the Digimon before you could activate an evo-bonus, the same rule applies and you would activate it on that new (now current) side.

Try it out for yourself. Click Dianamon and you’ll see how she flips between different sides.

Design Diary — Flatten

If you’re looking for how Flatten works, check this article.

How it all started

In Digimon World, you could inflict an LCD status effect on an enemy Digimon called “Flat”. It reduced their 3D model to a DOT sprite like in the v-pets and caused them to use a weak attack. It seems pretty appropriate to include for any 3D Digimon game that wants to include DOT sprites as with set Bit Depth. At the time, I already had this mechanic planned but no theming. So reducing the opponent’s dimensions one by one until they pop out of existence made a lot of sense. Originally, the balance was centered around having to obtain 4 instances of flatten. This didn’t test well. It took far too long to 4-hit-KO even when it can pierce evolutions. The next step was to tweak that number until it felt right in many many games. There was one point where I was torn between requiring 3 flattens and a regular damage hit versus 4 flattens and I ended up just including both due to how supports could be used to add more flats. The 3 flats with damage requirement was slightly too powerful while 4 as a fixed amount was way too slow without a constant supply of support-based flatten. Full Article

Card change: Millenniumon DATA

Card Change—Millenniumon DATA is ridiculous!

It’s time this one had a wee bit of an update. Millenniumon’s DATA card has been heavily contentious since its release (and before its release frankly). There’s an obvious bug that needed plugged with this little blighter for quite a while. Thanks to user Darkness for motivating me to finally solve the problem :)

The bug: Mulligan your hand until you get this on turn one. Fetch your ACE, Partner, Firewall or any 2 cards that will allow you to set up. Your mulliganed trash goes back into the deck. Your only sacrifice was evolving to Mega, which may not even be necessary if you grabbed [card img=”” name=”Download”] and any Level U.

The fix: Firstly, let’s put a stop to mulligan breakage. Mulligans are intended to be risk-reward, at least for a while until you can get some other cards to replenish the deck (provided this is your style). A clause was inserted that you (Do not use if you mulligan this turn). Following that, we double down on restrictions by forcing a player to pick 1 from the trash and 1 from the deck. The whole idea behind shuffling the trash back in before picking was to allow seamless picking from either zone. In this case, we’ll restrict access to the cards you want so that you have to wait till mid/late game if you want to get two nice cards for the price of a data-break.

The future: Going forward, will this fix the inherent problem? It’s difficult to say. Searching effects are always very powerful in any strategy game. It’s appropriately costed as long as a perfect early play isn’t possible with that cost (no late-cost is ever enough to equal a perfect early opening in any game). One possible existing exploit is to use repeated mulligan to get this card again, then wait one round to activate it and do something similar to what you would before the fix. Maybe not exactly the same, since you won’t have access to 2 from the deck and therefore how much you mulligan actually matters (notably, if this card is later in your deck, you’re punished less in this case). However, it can’t be denied that this will hamstring powerful opens such as Download+Ultimate, Partner, ACE, and so on. More to the point: this will give an opponent a turn to respond. One of the picks is now visible from the trash and therefore can be anticipated. Plus, they can now aggressively mulligan for their blocking/counter play. Only time can tell if this will be enough to curb the madness of Millenniumon.

If you have anything to add, don’t hesitate to reach out and leave a comment!

For those of you who use Tabletop Simulator: the module will not immediately be updated, so please use this post as reference material until then.

Digimon Errata May 2018

Today set “Bit Depth” releases and with it, our (hopefully) final set of erratas for past cards. Several cards had their evolution boxes expanded (in preparation), patter streamlined, effects re-balanced, bodies changed, and so much more. Don’t get too excited, it’s mostly just typo fixing and patter updates. So that players don’t feel like the erratas differ too much from the look and feel of new cards, each changed card has had the new Bit Depth font changed for its effect text as well. Some of the fixes are merely correcting errors from the previous errata (Panjyamon from the subtype update, we forgot his marine type!) but will still get the font change. Be sure to update your decks accordingly!

Check the card gallery to see for yourself.

Errata List
Type listed is the primary printed type only, so you can find it in the Gallery more easily.
Full Article

Flatten Mechanic

The Rules

Flatten is a mechanic that was released with set Bit Depth. It decreases the dimensions of opposing Digimon until they shrink into a point and vanish!  On its own, flat doesn’t do any damage or cause any immediate effects—instead, it’s a ticking time bomb. So here are the rules:

  • When you meet your condition (in the pic, opponent used Circle, or opponent’s type is Dragon), you will cause a “flat” to the opponent
  • On attack abilities, only one condition can be met per hit. (If a Dragon uses Circle, it only causes 1 flat, not 2.)
  • Track “flat” by placing a marker to represent it in front of your active.
  • If you would ever have 4 flat markers, you get KOd!
  • If you would take damage if you haven’t attacked yet and have 3 flats, you get KO’d! (meaning opponent attacks first while you have 3 flats & you take damage)
  • When you evolve by DP, you can subtract 10 DP from anywhere (such as your DP zone or your Immortalize card) to remove 1 flat marker. You can only remove 1 flat per evolution.

And that’s how it works. Check the rules for an official explanation (glossary or attack abilities). Flatten is specifically intended as an alternate win method, similar to trashing an opponent’s deck out (which may reduce your required KOs). You will still have to use all your cunning and experience to make the most of it, but it can be a powerful KO method. Since it “poisons” a Digimon, opponents may have to slow down their evolution progress. Or you could exploit them after they evolve to Mega for 2 KOs. Repeatedly gaining 4 flats can be difficult, even if you maximize your opportunities, so be sure to have a backup plan. You can get a KO sooner with flatten as long as you can hit first and supplement it with damage.

For more info on behind the scenes of this mechanic, I have a developer’s design diary article for Flatten.

Update 10-16-2020: Flatten rules now updated in this post to reflect the recent rule changes. Now requires 4 Flats or 3 Flats+Damage+1stAttack to KO; up from 3 and 2 respectively. Flats are represented by a token or marker instead of a card. Flats can only be removed when evolving by DP. “Paying DP” has been reworded to make more sense. Added more about the design and intent.


Term Change: Proxy card

These little “P” symbols used to be called “Partner Options”. Option like choice not the card type. I bet you can see how this is confusing. Especially when DATA and Evolution cards have the “P” symbol now. There’s a new term change—Proxy. It starts with P, it’s thematic, and it’s what you’ll use now! Just a heads-up.

The new template uses the full word Proxy.

Deck Size Change – Construction Legality

With the release of Bit Depth, it’s time to officially unveil a change to the game’s basic deck construction rules that we’ve been playtesting. This is something that came about after we announced we would be working on the new set (Bit Depth) 9 months ago. As this has had incredibly positive results, damn-near zero negatives, and fixes several aspects of the game, we’re proud to announce a very carefully crafted change to deck size! If you’re just here for the rules and don’t care about the “why”, skip to the Pre-Setup Procedure section. Full Article

Digimon Partners

What’s a Partner?

A partner can be any Level R (Rookie) in the game. You’ll want to have one in every deck, since they confer distinct and inarguable advantages that normal Rookies just don’t offer. Things can get a bit complicated, so it’s let’s break down what a partner can do:

  • Evolve very quickly, before the Evolution Phase even
  • Toolbox one of two specific Champions for you
  • Ignore DP and type while evolving from the Destiny Zone
  • Use certain Option/Evolution/DATA cards as a proxy

How are they used?

Partners can be used in one of a couple scenarios in the game, and have several rules tailored specifically for odd cases they create. They’re essentially, a dedicated rule-breaker. Here are some of the scenarios, and a walkthrough of how partners change them: Full Article

Why Are Megas so Weird

Okay, I admit, almost none of you actually asked this question to yourselves. Maybe a few who played the game Digimon Battles was based on: Digimon World: Digital Card Battles for Playstation. In that game, all the Mega Digimon were Level U (Ultimate). It may have even shocked some of you to see Digimon like HerculeseKabuterimon, Phoenixmon, and Wargreymon labeled as “U”! Why might that be?

It’s all about balance: try playing this game with a 30 card deck instead, 4 copies of any card (not the 4, 3, 2, 1 cascading limits I put on them) and then try running 4 levels of cards in the deck. It’s madness! You won’t have nearly enough room in a deck to make any of this consistent. But at the time, the Mega-level Digimon were the star of the show and not including them would’ve seemed out of touch with the intellectual property. So they were downgraded a level, but most of them kept insane power in some way or another (usually with added cost). Full Article

What are Firewalls in Digimon Battle Evolution

New firewall symbol



A quick aside coming off the heels of today’s COTD: Death Evolution. It’s listed as a firewall. Firewall cards are Options that usually Void in some way. Cherrymon’s Mist was the original firewall and has been erratad as such. The card is so staple that every deck needed 3 copies to compete. Stuff like this can’t be nerfed or removed or it would negatively affect the health of the game, but we also don’t like the idea of hard staples being the first cards you put into a new deck. Maybe if this were a pool of cards instead…

Thus the Firewall keyword was born. It’s similar to how Ace cards work: You can have 3 of any firewalls in your deck, period. Essentially what this means is you can still run 3 Cherrymon’s Mist, but then you might miss out on other effects like the aforementioned Death Evolution. You could run 1 Mist and 2 Death Evolution. Or mix and match between the 3 new firewalls in Data Breakers and the original Mist in Base Release. Each one might fundamentally void effects, but all are pretty powerful (almost Ace-worthy, almost).

It will definitely be a priority for us to make more Firewall-keyworded cards, so that players have plenty of strategy, can express themselves through their cards, and you know…don’t show up to a cocktail party in the same dress!

Explaining the new Ruler Cards

Ruler Digimon

What’s Ruler?

Digimon Battles (DMB) set Data Breakers brings with it a new category of Digimon—Ruler. Much like Jungle () or Nightmare (), it obeys the rules of evolution. However, there are many rules it does not obey and  -Digimon have a lot of special features you should know about, as well as design philosophies that you will notice as trends among their cards. Let’s get started with a list of what they can and can’t do: Full Article

Digimon Errata (Sets BR-EX) Aug-2017

In preparation for set “Data Breakers” which is coming very soon, we have gone over the base set and first expansion yet again. Several cards had their evolution boxes expanded (in preparation), patter streamlined, effects rebalanced, bodies changed, and so much more. Don’t get too excited, it’s mostly just typo fixing and patter updates. For example, any Set EX cards had their “Look at the top X of own deck and put them on the top or bottom in any order” condensed into “Recode X’. Recode is a new keyword for the Data Breakers set, which does as advertised just there. If you need a list to figure out what needs updated in your deck, check the full errata list below:

Check the card gallery to see for yourself.

Errata List
Type listed is the primary printed type only, so you can find it in the Gallery more easily.
Full Article