Digimon COTD: Cyclomon & Monochromon
Cyclomon and Monochromon—A Double feature of evo-bonus madness! These two dynamos of evolution are quite similar. What’s good about them: The evo-bonuses of these two Digimon combine deck searching—one of the strongest effects in the game, with Evolution cards—one of the most powerful cards when used correctly. Their circles are incredibly powerful on such high […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Whamon
Whamon (Level U)—The magic of an Ultimate that evolves from itself. What’s good about it: Whamon (like his Champion form) has the highest printed HP of any Digimon in its level. The Evo-box bonuses featuring “Whamon” push the HP even higher. Whamon in the Evo-box gives this card a built in “Mutate” letting you evolve […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Coliseum
Coliseum—Changing both players attacks to with various bonuses for yourself. What’s good about it: Coliseum boosting your power is very helpful. Forcing a fight can be very necessary when you need to prevent abilities like drain and 1st attack. Especially if you want to use your circle with impunity. What’s bad about it: tends to […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Miracle Ruby
Miracle Ruby—Are you ready to evolve? What’s good about it: “M” is for “Miracle” and “Multi-use”—you can play this as a normal support to get a phoenix effect, which doesn’t let the opponent have a KO. But you can also choose to “Turbo”, which means play this Any Phase with a couple of modifications: you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Beam Gun
Beam Gun—Make your Power 0 to halve your opponent’s HP. What’s good about it: Beam Gun can turn a lop-sided fight in your favor—giving you a virtual attack that is much higher in situations where you’re behind. It’s very helpful for Crash and Counter attacks since they already have 0 Power. This also has some […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: RedOtamamon
RedOtamamon—the only “+40P” in the game thus far. What’s good about it: RedOtamamon gives +40P—double the average Rookie. Its effect is small but useful: looking at your opponents hand can help you chose attacks, future supports and determine whether it’s the right time to use any “Activate” abilities you have. It is also outside of […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Digi-Diamond
Digi-Diamond—the Swiss-army-knife of Ace cards. What’s good about it: Digi-Diamond is currently the most versatile Ace. “Any Phase” timing extends the number of cards you can play per turn (and is extremely powerful and limited). Changing your attack in the support phase is powerful, since you can evade a counter or buff a different attack. Changing […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Concert Crash
Concert Crash makes your power the same as your HP then halves your HP. What’s good about it: It gives you Crash without your Health being reduced to 10. Unlike Crash, if your HP changes, your power will not. Since it affects all Power, not just cross like crash, this can be used with other […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Mutate
Mutate allows you to evolve to the same level and heal. What’s good about it: This card allows you to refresh HP, evolve from the Abnormal state, and removes Type restrictions when evolving. You can quickly evolve to a Champion or Ultimate by playing one as abnormal, then “Mutating” into the same level. It even treats […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: ShogunGekomon
ShogunGekomon, Is an Ultimate level Digimon with an exceptional body and a support that searches for a Champion. What’s good about it: Shogungekomon’s deadliest attack is , which makes it a difficult opponent to shut down. If it becomes outmatched, it can use drain to stall for long enough to evolve. Most Digimon with drain don’t […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Level Crush
Level Crush! An evolution card that lets you evolve downward and double your HP. What’s good about it: It more than refreshes your HP with very little card investment, keeping you going on the same active far longer than usual. It also lets you use your Mega and then evolve when you get low—forever denying […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Chainsaw
Chainsaw. An Option played in the Support phase that triples your power. Then after the battle, if you’re still alive, you go straight to 10 HP. What’s good about it: What’s great about this Option is how it really helps come back from an absolute pummeling. Especially if used on the opponent’s turn, so you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Research
Research—what does the scouter say? What’s good about it: Changing your attack after seeing the opponent’s, allows you to pick the highest-damage, safest option that can dodge their attack abilities; choose your own cross if you know the opponent used a relevant attack; and you can play this in response to “If both attacks are […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Silver Ball
Silver Ball—more like cannon ball What’s good about it: Doubles your power and sets the opponent’s to 0, allowing an easy come-from-behind when you lose the evolution race. Since your own Digimon can be any level when used, it can also act as a “get ahead” gambit that preserves your own health while taking a […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Puppet Switch
Puppet Switch—Setup your hand and DP. What’s good about it: Puppet Switch puts any card in your trash in your hand. This card is fantastic for reusing powerful cards, and setting up for high DP cost Digimon. Just imagining the possibilities with Ace cards, for instance: you could re-use Warp Dimension, netting you 18 cards […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Black Gear
Black Gear—If own level is lower… What’s good about it: Black Gear is a crazy mix-n-match that tries to give you the best possible answer to whatever lower-level situation you find yourself in. Since you gain every effect cumulatively, unlocking the Level U effect also automatically means getting the Level C. Since each level has […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Data Hijack
Data Hijack—Evolve from your deck and charge extra DP. What’s good about it: Data Hijack’s primary effect is to evolve to level C straight from the deck. Evolve from deck is bonkers, letting you take full advantage of every Champion in your deck, as long as it’s a legal target. It’s second effect doesn’t require you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Gold Treasure
Gold Treasure—An Option that helps get almost any Digimon in own deck. What’s good about it: Gold Treasure can fetch you a Digimon for evolution; DNA materials; or you can be cheeky and use it to toolbox supports. The card you search just needs to be related to your active somehow, in the evolution “network”. For […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Chip D
Chip D—pure card manipulation. What’s good about it: Chip D lets you choose between 3 very powerful effects, or get a second one for the price of 1 discard (the same as playing 2 Chip-D at the same time). Corrupt 5 is beyond the normal limit for wrecking your opponent’s ability to draw effectively. Static […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Super Tag
Super Tag—an Evolution card that provides +10P and save all your other DP after you evolve. What’s good about it: Super Tag puts itself into DP, so it doesn’t take your one rack for the turn. It’s one of the few Evolution cards that work when going to Level M. Saving your DP for later […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: RustTyrannomon
RustTyrannomon—A Mega with a huge potential power boost or heal. What’s good about it: The “Activate” effect of RustTyrannomon happens when attacks are revealed—on either player’s turn. The +50% multiplier gives you a huge boost to either Power or HP, whichever is most needed at the time, which makes this a tough card to overtake. What’s […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Witchmon
Witchmon is a Champion that Boosts Power and can evolve to types. What’s good about it: It fits with typical x3 VS while adding some other coverage for , which is the best type for taking out Nightmare digimon in one hit. x3 VS almost always evens the playing field when they inevitably end up at […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Cyclomon & Monochromon
Cyclomon and Monochromon—A Double feature of evo-bonus madness! These two dynamos of evolution are quite similar. What’s good about them: The evo-bonuses of these two Digimon combine deck searching—one of the strongest effects in the game, with Evolution cards—one of the most powerful cards when used correctly. Their circles are incredibly powerful on such high […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Plug-In Backup
Plug-In Backup—Keep your DP even when you evolve. What’s good about it: Since you often have to make tough choices about what to rack, this eliminates that responsibility by taking all those cards back. Since it has “recycle any 3”, you’ll get to choose which cards are returned—including partner, Ace, DATA, Firewalls, situationally good cards, and […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Hagurumon
DB-014 Hagurumon—A Rookie fit to assist Crash. What’s good about it: Immediately, you’re drawn to the Support ability which attaches and saves you from the perils of Crash. Since —the type Hagurumon most easily assists, has a staggering amount of Crash, it fits right in. Circle to zero helps tremendously to keep it alive on a medium-strength […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Biyomon
DB-013 Biyomon—An evolution-primed Rookie with serious hate. What’s good about it: The amazing ability to toolbox a Champion for direct, immediate evolution from the deck, which ignores DP since it’s outside the evolution phase. That ridiculous triple hate of with a high 200 base power for it (this is good even for many Champions with x3 […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Meatvolution
Meatvolution—A silly name but a serious healing card that recovers HP when evolving. What’s good about it: There’s nothing more to say than free meat! HP +400 (nearly unvoidable) outside of the Support Phase is pretty ridiculous, and like most utility-evolutions, Meatvolution sets your new Digimon up for success early. In this case, you get to […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Reppamon
Reppamon—A Champion with heavy emphasis on support. What’s good about it: The evo-box damaging ability is always welcome, as -100 HP to the opponent could result in a pre-Batttle Phase KO. You can choose to pay the Support cost or not, which makes this at the very least not bad to top-deck. Reducing the opponent’s Power […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Sniper Disk
Sniper Disk—Evolution that lets you “snipe” cards right out of the opponent’s deck. What’s good about it: You get to see your opponent’s entire deck and every card that remains. This can target an Ace! It can also target Firewalls. You can hit an opponent’s Partner or Level Us to stop their plans early. If you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Death Evolution
Death Evolution—A new firewall and stops Evolutions in their tracks, and maybe an Option. What’s good about it: It has a very rare ability: the power to be played during the Evolution Phase and void an Evolve card. On top of that, it can also stop an Option card later in the Support Phase, if you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Megidramon
Megidramon—Crazy, Passive-based, maniac Digimon. What’s good about it: [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/044-Megalogrowlmon.png” name=”Megalogrowlmon”] provides via evo-bonus a huge recycle on par with [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/182-Vending-Machine.png” name=”Vending Machine”]. It has a very easy DNA, since half the requirements just have to be and Level U. The HP on this incarnation of terror is huge for its type. “Attach D”, […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Incubator
Incubator—An Evolution that attaches a card from your deck while evolving. What’s good about it: Incubator lets you set up your newly-evolved Digimon for a much more fruitful lifespan right out of the box. It replaces itself after you use it, with the handy draw 1. Since you’re evolving by DP to use the effect, […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Dark Evolve
Dark Evolve—The most tooled version of three other Evolutions. What’s good about it: Dark Evolve works like 3 previously printed evolution cards at the same time: [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/162-Warp-Digivolve.png” name=”Warp Digivolve”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/165-Digivice.png” name=”Digivice”], and [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/167-Mutate.png” name=”Mutate”] depending on your current level when played. As a Warp Digivolve replacement, it can take you from R to […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Mastertyrannomon
Mastertyrannomon—Power up! What’s good about it: Mastertyrannomon sports a pretty “square” body of attacks, in that they’re all quite closer together in number than other . In a correctly built deck, its support is stronger than an Attack Chip. The evolution box bonus gives unprecedented toolbox power—take any 1 Digimon from your deck! This is […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Magic Word
Uh…uh…uh…you didn’t say the Magic Word—A new firewall that stops Any Phase effects and sticks around to void. What’s good about it: If you’re good at attack prediction, this card can gain almost endless voiding of Digimon, which is incredible value. Magic Word also heavily punishes decks that use evolution box bonuses to lower DP […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Disrupt Ray
Disrupt Ray—Choose your opponent’s attack, sort of What’s good about it: If you’re an expert at prediction and attack-choice punishment, Disrupt Ray can be incredibly potent. This card can be used, with significantly higher accuracy than not, to force a Counter or to-Zero effect, or at the very least save you from a deadly . […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Reload
Reload—Refresh all the things! What’s good about it: As an ACE, it pulls its weight in utility by providing any two cards from the deck and effectively making trash costs—or opposing trash strategies, null. You get a full deck, a full hand (some of which is picked), and to setup part of the deck going […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Hearts Attack
Hearts Attack—Hug them way too tight. What’s good about it: Doubles your Power and sets the opponent’s to 0. This doesn’t care about level, though it certainly covers Level M just like Silver Ball and any Level C that shares a name with the opponent’s destiny zone. Yes, has the name. Hearts attack specifies “Digimon”, […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Dirty Saucer
Dirty Saucer—Garbagemon’s signature shield and yours too. What’s good about it: You get to draw this to hand, so it’s an extra free card. Stops all trashing and I do mean all. Right in the middle of it. Even if you are supposed to Trash 7 but you only trashed like 2, you stop immediately. […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Toy March
Toy March—They just keep going…and going…and going… What’s good about it: You pick one of any 4 effects that stay permanently for the game. The flip effect means no need for [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/017-Gazimon.png” name=”Gazimon”]. This benefits the need to know what card comes next (for either player), for use with cards that lock powerful effects […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Bigmamemon M
Bigmamemon—One bean to rule them all… What’s good about it: There’s so much. Their HP is at 2600—a number befitting a massively composite colony of Digimon. Only 4 Digimon have more HP (in order): [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/018-ZeedMillenniummon.png” name=”Zeedmillenniumon”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/005-MoonMilenniumon.png” name=”Moonmillenniumon”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/020-Plesiomon.png” name=”Plesiomon”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/019-Olegmon.png” name=”Olegmon”]. The first two are dimension-shattering time gods who are […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Royal Meister
Royal Meister—Unopposed victory pixie. What’s good about it: Royal Meister starts with an unopposed victory bonus (Draw 1 and opponent trashes 2) then follows up with a super version of [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/078-Piximon.png” name=”Piximon”] support that can be any attack ability (not just ) and any of your active stack, not just the current active. This […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Loader Chip
Loader Chip—Choice and resources. What’s good about it: You get 200 Power, then can pick between any types you want or 20 +P to assist evolution. Simple, flexible, fits in many decks. What’s bad about it: This can’t be racked, so shouldn’t take the place of a Digimon with 20 +P (you have to wait […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Gigastick Lance
Gigastick Lance—Any sufficiently large power tool is indistinguishable from a mech weapon. What’s good about it: You get to triple your Power. Yes Power. All attacks have at least an ability of “None”, so this is way less restrictive than first-read. But you can still replace a troublesome ability like Grudge that might kill you […] Full Article

Digimon COTD: Valdurmon
Valdurmon—For when Phoenixmon isn’t intense enough. What’s good about it: Every Digimon has a ability but very few have a ability. Valdurmon not only has both but also an implicit ability! Evolving in the typical way using its evo-bonus gives a heavy Draw 3, which is an immense advantage while a Mega is live. Valdurmon […] Full Article