- Finally it’s time for the followup set to XB, Lunar Eclipse! The light of the moon and shadow of the eclipse—a classic contradiction of light and dark plays out in Set LE, as Set XB wanes. Like an Auxiliary set, this is a small set, with 15 cards. Also like Aux sets, this focuses around a central theme—in this case, light and dark. It’s a small supplement that’s easy for us to design and develop over a shorter period of time. The smallness coupled with the focus on themed effects should make them feel special. LE is loaded into TTS now. Enjoy all the cool new stuff! (Full spoiler gallery at the bottom of the post)
- “15” New game cards
- 2 New Options / Attach
- New Ace
- 2 New Masteries
- Dark Draw/Trash/Discard returns!
- Attack ability “Killer” returns!
- Flip cards return!
- New special Flip cards that change to an alternate, powerful mode.
- “Access” keyword returns!
- Long-awaited Cherubimons and Marineangemon!
Pop these into your Destiny Zone when building your deck and for the price of 1 card and whatever downside is printed on the mastery, you get access to a constant bonus during the game.
Lunar has art depicting a glowing Moonmillenniummon and is intended to let players Corrupt (up to 3 per turn) by making cards enter the dark area. The downside is, whatever amount of cards you would normally just draw during the Prep Phase, you’ll have to wait until the end of the Prep and they also end up dark drawn, so it’s slow! But, that means cards enter the dark area…Don’t forget your first draw of the game is also dark draw and corrupt; and any attaches that draw during the Prep Phase like Purity Crest.
Eclipse shows a shadowy spirit of darkness and lets you always support face-down! You won’t need to attach Hope Crest as often to control the game and get inside the opponent’s head. However, you are no longer allowed to support from your deck (normally face-down) nor from effects (from either player)! Be careful not to rely on cards like Hacking, Aegisdramon, and don’t run out of cards for support—you won’t get to dig for more. This also won’t have a tremendous use on your own turn.
Flip cards Return
You can check out a detailed explanation on the accompanying post Intro to Flip Cards. Pay attention to Lucemon and Marineangemon: these two are special flippers that don’t operate “normally” to provide an alternative card which was the case with Antiramon and Dianamon in Set XB. These achieve some sort of goal to reach a much stronger mode of the card by flipping into a Ruler Digimon! You can also check all the flip cards at the bottom of this post.
Killer, Access, Dark Draw Returns
Killer – When the opponent uses the attack specified on the ability, you get 1st Attack and Boosted Power of +300. Kind of like a lightning-fast version counter attack that’s a bit riskier since you still take full damage when you’re hit. This resembles the Gem cards that were released in set TA.
Access – Show a card from your hand to your opponent, as specified here; usually a type. This is a cost, so it’s optional but you won’t access the following effect unless you do.
Dark Draw – Dark Draw (or Discard) will place that card from your deck into your Dark Area (or from hand to DA if discard). Dark Area cards are added to your hand in the Prep Phase after your normal draw.
Gallery of All Cards (Full Layout)
Try the Flip Cards
Click a Digimon to see it flip. Choose the tab to change cards.

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