Loader Chip—Choice and resources.
What’s good about it: You get 200 Power, then can pick between any types you want or 20 +P to assist evolution. Simple, flexible, fits in many decks. What’s bad about it: This can’t be racked, so shouldn’t take the place of a Digimon with 20 +P (you have to wait till next turn to evolve, not immediately). Its primary support is also only +200 Power when that’s the same a Digimon support provides, so most 20+P Digimon with the same support would be comparable. Many decks have no use for type change especially at support speed. Even if you need one of these, since it’s worse than another Option at each effect, you’d need at least 2 before it pays off. Tips: Use Loader Chip to get tight decks some more room. When a deck has problems evolving but has plenty of Evolution cards, Loader Chip will help since it won’t sacrifice any Power along the way. Can be combined with Ancestry mastery for +100 HP (choose type change) in addition, which works to increase its value. Combine with [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/090-Rusttyrannomon.png” name=”Rusttyrannomon”] ACTIVATE for big damage (choose DP). Use with [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/007-Ace-Chip.png” name=”Ace Chip”] for another +100 Power. Combine several helper cards like this for a monster support. In a chip-heavy deck, chain Loader into [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/011-BoostChip.png” name=”Boost Chip”] when you don’t need the DP to evolve. Compare as a more aggressive version of [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/016-Puppet-Switch.png” name=”Puppet Switch”].
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