Yesterday, I hinted that the pointy hats may not be over. It’s still Samhain, so let’s go. Stepping over the hedge of the Otherworld as a complete wizard, Mystimon makes its appearance! Mistymon? Mysticmon? Whatever, it’s mystical and from Witchelny! Let’s dive right into the new stuff it has.

Evo-box first: The odd thing you may notice is “Wi-mon” and “So-mon” both Level C. The rules for quotation names is that you substitute the “-” part for anything or nothing. So “Wi-mon” for example would be Witchmon or Wizardmon. If it had “Devi-mon”, then Devimon and Devidramon work. The actual permanent effect allows you to change its cross ability every Strategy phase, right at the start. You can pick from any attack ability in the DZ. So if you had BIT-006 Hyogamon in there, you could change your ability into Counter (of course, your Power is now 0 as usual). Bear in mind, that change is a lingering effect and will dissipate at the end phase. But this works to your advantage in case you want its x3 VS back! You can always pick another ability next turn. Here’s a list of what Digimon exist that you can use this with:
- Witchmon
- Wizardmon
- Soulmon
- Sorcerymon
All with pointy hats of course. Rulers can’t evolve from normal types, so using names is necessary. Don’t forget they also can’t be played as Abnormal (hence no stat block).
Support effect and Active effect: You may notice some odd stuff going on here. The bubble number ① and ② were added to help with clarity because its box is a bit confusing without them. Both the numbers and the cyan text denote a break in effect. If you SUPPORT, you get ①, and both players will have their power become the same as their HP. Basically, more powerful Crash but…for everyone. So play it at the right time. This is very much the feeling of Nightmare effects!
For effect ② (cyan text), use this from the Active spot like any other Passive ability. When your active is Mystimon, you’ll be able to Discard 1 Option as a cost to then draw a different option from your trash. Spellcycling! You can only use this during times on your own support phase when you can play a card though, so right at the start of the phase and when you are supporting that turn too. Try to think of some interesting combos and bear its limitations in mind.
If you want to know the interesting story behind how I did this art, tumblr post.
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