Minor update—new arts! Today, I spent some time lovingly recrafting everyone’s favorite composite world-enders. Chimeramon and Millenniumon also have name changes: Kimeramon, Chimeramon, no real difference there, just making it easier for some to understand what it is. Millenniumon’s change removes a duplicate ‘m’. For the longest time, that MM was all I could find for the official name, but it doesn’t match with the pattern of Zeedmillenniumon or Moonmillenniumon, so that’s fixed. No worries about updating your Zeedmillenniumon deck: the correct name was already in the evo-box and the DATA card was also fixed.
With these art and name changes also comes a few tweaks. Chimeramon now has DNA from any + instead of Airdramon + . This should impact almost zero decks, since the primary use was with its other DNA set. Now you can finally use Garurumon, Devimon, Kabuterimon, and Kuwagamon! Millenniumon also got a tweak or two: the triangle power and cross power have been swapped to prevent 1st Attack domination; its circle-to-zero addon ability was replaced with cross-to-zero, both to prevent its already huge lead and spice the game up more in case someone takes advantage of one of its many types for x3 VS.
Chimeramon’s name change affected these Digimon’s evo-box: EBEmon.
You can use these immediately in TTS, though they are not updated. Please simply upload the cards and resize them for your deck. For EBEmon, you can skip the extra work and just treat the name as “Chimeramon”.

Last errata update had a couple of missing name changes. I’ve fixed that post but here they are again just in case you missed them: Cupidmon, Holyangemon, Purity Mask, Megalogrowlmon, Deathmeramon, Plottmon. All of these except Purity Mask are correct in Tabletop Simulator.
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