Digimon COTD: Mastertyrannomon

Mastertyrannomon—Power up!
What’s good about it: Mastertyrannomon sports a pretty “square” body of attacks, in that they’re all quite closer together in number than other . In a correctly built deck, its support is stronger than an Attack Chip. The evolution box bonus gives unprecedented toolbox power—take any 1 Digimon from your deck! This is even less restricted than Gold Treasure. The x3 VS gives the ability to hit / / for 1080 at its printed power, which easily OHKOs the vast majority of Jungle and Wind champions and 2-shots all three types’ Ultimates. Drain will not save them. With the evobox containing multiple, tightly-grouped champions, a deck that always gets the bonus is easy to achieve. What’s bad about it: Like most , Mastertyrannomon suffers from low HP. In fact, his HP is lower than the average in his cost and type. This is so significant, that when accounting for cost, Master is near the bottom tier of all Level U HP. If you’re not facing one of its hate-types, the x3VS is just wasted power, which also means it doesn’t have attack hate and therefore can’t protect himself against enemy , which it’s weak against given the low HP. The vast majority of peers in its level can 2HKO it, same as what it does to the types it has critical power against. You usually want only 1-2 copies of a “hate” card but its support begs you to have 4. The evobox doesn’t include a DP cost reduction unlike most of the carnivorous dinos, meaning most of the time he takes 2 racks or requires an Evolution card. The support, while potentially very powerful, scales slowly and requires a certain amount of time or effects to have passed during the game to be effective. In addition, “-tyrannomon” cards have to be in the deck at high numbers, potentially choking other ideas. The maximum boost from the support is +700, and you have to over-plan for it. The support also eats away at 2 cards in your trash, which might also be tyrannos given their saturation level. Tips: Choose another Tyrannomon ultimate—it’s not a great idea to solely have Mastertyrannomon. Try using [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/069-SuperEvolve.png” name=”Super Evolve”] to pick Master out of the deck when its x3 VS would be relevant. If you’re willing to be sacrificial, [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/000-FatedSpirit.png” name=”Fated Spirit”] is a slightly weaker Super Evolve for the same purpose, but I suggest using this on your alternate Level U tyranno, since you really want Master support. Since the evobox can take another Master from the deck (for support), it’s recommended to pack [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/183-Partner-Finder.png” name=”Partner Finder”] or [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/013-BlueComet.png” name=”Blue Comet”], use the destiny evolve (or just [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/000-Data-Hijack.png” name=”Data Hijack”] from the deck) to get to Deltamon, [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/046-Tyrannomon.png” name=”Tyrannomon”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/047-DarkTyrannomon.png” name=”Darktyrannomon”], Coredramon (any), Dinohumon, and especially Cyclomon in preparation. Cyclomon is special here since its evo-bonus takes 1 Evolution card in deck, which you can use to guarantee a Master evolve. This should guarantee having your powerful support. Master works well with cards that have trash costs such as [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/171-Mega-Disk.png” name=”Mega Disk”], [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/188-Mega-Chip.png” name=”Mega Chip”], and occasionally [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/181-Giga-Hand.png” name=”Giga Hand”] (though HP can be relatively low in a Tyranno deck). Once a Master’s support Power is high, it would only bleed slowly as long as the opponent doesn’t have access to vast quantities of static. Recycle can utterly kill this deck unless used on Master specifically (use recycle any), so try re-using Master supports over and over again for a quick win. If you’re willing to give up evolution to Mega, try using [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/018-ZeedMillenniummon.png” name=”Zeedmillenniumon”] with [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/037-CyberdramonDATA.png” name=”Cyberdramon DATA”] and [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/040-MillenniumonDATA.png” name=”Millenniumon DATA”]: This gives you access to a +800 Power Data Break and 5 selective recycles to re-use Master’s support. An alternative is [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/003-Millenniumon.png” name=”Millenniumon”] (with the DATA) and use [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/004-MugendramonDATA.png” name=”Mugendramon DATA”] to trade Cyberdramon DATA for Drain+Crash (significant healing benefits plus damage, potentially x3 VS), and the ability to add a flat +100 Power with deck corruption and recoding.Be wary of how limited your other tyrannos can be. [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/028-Extyrannomon.png” name=”ExTyrannomon”] is a great body for the active zone, but only has a Passive, no support. In a deck that begs for 4 copies of every tyranno, this is pretty suspect. [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/076-MetalTyrannomon.png” name=”Metaltyrannomon”] is a great pick, but be aware that its DP discount or Draw 3 bonus only covers “Tyrannomon”, the original. Its support is great with Crash, but not amazing unless your HP is lower…oh right. Luckily, Darktyrannomon can also recover HP (only abnormal, so don’t plan on healing Level M or R). While Tyrannomon’s support is great for attach, it’s not much use otherwise. Since you’ll likely have 4, this means Master-focused decks tend to also need several attach cards—and now the deck list is starting to fill up on its own, preventing much flexibility. That can be an asset though, if you work with the flow instead of against it.
Both [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/043-Goddramon.png” name=”Goddramon”] and [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/044-Dorbickmon.png” name=”Dorbickmon”] are good Level M picks for their evo-bonuses and other circumstantial support. With Dorbickmon, you can fill the opponent’s trash about as much as yours. Properly used, its first turn on the field can mean trash 7 for the opponent—when that’s a cost, it gives ace-potency effects like HP+1000! Since it also halves everyone’s HP and makes the opponent discard 2, you can use Master support for a guaranteed KO, even against crazy 3000 HP monsters like Zeedmillenniumon or [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/005-MoonMilenniumon.png” name=”Moonmillenniumon”]; since you can smoothly hit 1500 Power with 810 base, +700 from Master. Goddramon is no slouch either, since the opponent won’t be able to mulligan as you pound their head in with a crazy 960 Power circle. They better have every damn card they want in-hand, right now. On top of that, Goddramon revives you to Master once it gets KO’d, so you don’t even have to start the slow DP-racking over again. The M that really shines is [card img=”https://www.v-mundi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/090-Rusttyrannomon.png” name=”Rusttyrannomon”] since all your tyranno Level Us count for the Draw 3 bonus, which is immensely powerful once the cannon fires. Even better, Rusty fuels its cannon with the mounds of tyranno corpses you’ll be piling into the trash for later Master support!