If you haven’t, check out part 1. It’s time for more OPINIONS oh no! Let’s preview the rest of Uprising and then I’ll give my thoughts on the design of it at the end. This article might contain negativity maybe?
Definitely way more positive results this time even if not every card “wowed” us. Opinions this time were from myself and Zoey (co-writer) instead of the entire VMundi community. Seems like Uprising will have a lot to offer after all!
We have a really nice set of 26 cards that “wowed” us, 11 that were “meh”, and 10 that were “please no”. Then 1 card that actually upset everyone and made the rest feel less magical.
Uprising feels like we’re getting away from how Tyrants wanted to include gap-fillers for legitimate strategies that just didn’t have enough cards to feel developed. Almost every card opened up new play styles and opportunities in constructed and limited alike. From how I perceive this set, it appears that Uprising is closer to a limited-friendly set than constructed which makes me sad. In fact, Kark is outright war against constructed as he creates absolutely terrible situations to be in for competition. When you’re not in tournament, you probably don’t have to worry about someone being a tryhard and whipping out a Kark deck but otherwise, the rest of Uprising bolsters a card that already tested insanely strong with just base and Tyrants.
As a player who primarily prefers constructed, it’s not surprising that only half the cards in the set really made me want to buy it. I’ll still be getting a full playset of everything of course, but I won’t be nearly as giddy as with Tyrants. The great news is a few new strategies are going to become even better, such as wolf tokens and big Sage blitz.
I’ve been glancing at Spore Beast over and over today before really realizing what it means. Drawing on from my past experiences in (mid-era) yugioh, it’s very close to a card like Book of Moon where it inherently doesn’t seem very powerful but can pay off a big way with how it interacts with other cards. The two obvious examples are removing a defending champion of yours to save it from certain death (after drawing out blockers too maybe!) and removing your enemies defending champion in order for a brutal level of breakthrough damage.
It’s the kind of card that seperates Champions from Chumps.
Alice ,
More like “Champions from Chumpions” har har. I hadn’t thought about the Breakthrough play, very nice. I can see it being run with Knight of Elara too as a double-down on blocker hate. But yes, I think this card’s multi-faceted nature is going to come through in a big way during games. And it’s yet another way to punish players who run stuff like Kong with no plan on how to get hits.
If it weren’t for Chamberlain Krak, I’d be a bit more excited for these cards. As it is though, most of them look pretty neat, but the rest are just kind of bleh.
Alice ,
I’m almost certain some of the “dislikes and mehs” were put there because Kark is in the back of our mind.